Athos in the News and Media

Complete Guide to Understanding Film and Production Equipment Insurance

July 30, 2018 - Alex Ferrari

Check out our first podcast!  Our very own President, Kat Wong, and Vice President, Aylene Villarin, were invited to talk about the complexities of film production insurance.  We hope this helps filmmakers understand what they truly need.

The Ultimate Guide to Camera Equipment & Production Insurance

June 20, 2018 - Alex Ferrari

Our clients forwarded us this article written by Alex Ferrari from Indie Hustle, who independently conducted his own research on trying to find production insurance for gear insurance.  This is an article about his findings and his honest feedback of results.

5 Things To Ask Your Agent When Buying Production Equipment Insurance

December 08, 2017 - Aylene Villarin

Indie Film Hustle published this article written by our very own Vice President, Aylene Villarin.  This article dives into 5 key questions everyone should ask their insurance agent about equipment insurance.  

5 Misconceptions About Equipment Insurance

December 05, 2016 - Sharegrid

Our partner Sharegrid helped make this incredible and informative video about the 5 misconceptions about equipment insurance.  It's fun to watch, we promise!  Please watch and let us know if you have any questions.

Athos Commercial

October 15, 2015 - Athos Insurance

Our first commercial.  Please check it out.  We hope you enjoy the fun characters!

Athos Insurance Launches Entertainment Insurance Website

January 23, 2013 - Insurance Journal

Athos Launched in 2012, and we were recognized for our online equipment insurance portal with the Insurance Journal Magazine

The LIST: Camera Insurance

February 01, 2013 - Users

Check out what Red Users are saying about Athos on their forums!

Lessons In Insuring Skate Parks and Other Extreme Sports Events

April 04, 2010 - Katherine Wong

This is an article about how we underwrite and simplify the process to insure Skate parks, one of our specialty niches.